Landenberg Pet Resort & Spa 

Copyright 2022. Landenberg Pet Resort & Spa. LRP&S, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Frequently Asked Questions-Boarding

Q: Do all the runs have an outside area, or only the ones in the front?

A: All of the kennels have an outdoor run attached by a doggie door, even the ones on the side by the woods. 

Q: Can I reserve one of the larger runs?

A: We don't reserve the larger runs. We will put the biggest dogs or the most dogs (at the time) in those runs. We can never guarantee the larger run.

Q: What payments do you take?

A: We accept cash, checks, credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay. If you use a credit card there is a 3% convenience fee charged by the credit service. No fee for using a debit card. 

Q: Why do you charge for extras? They are included at another place.

A: We keep our base price lower than most places in the area. The extras are there if you want them but you don't have to pay for them if you don't. 

Q: What "Extras" do you offer?


-Nature Walks, approximately 15-20 minutes, $15 per walk, per dog.

-Playtime, 15-20 minutes, $15 per session. Family dogs can share playtime.

    -$12 for more than one activity in a day.

-Treat options, $5 per serving

Q: What do we need to bring?

A: You are welcome to bring beds, blankets, mats or towels. We recommend that you bring your own food to keep diets consistent. However, we do offer a high-quality kibble as part of the stay. You do not need to bring bowls unless your dogs need a specialized bowl. You can bring bones, toys, etc-as long as it is not a choking hazard.  We do not give rawhide or pig's ears. Don't bring anything that you do not want to get damaged or lost. Depending on the circumstances, we may elect not to put certain items in the kennel.

Q: What if I forget a bed?

A: We have bed rentals if you are interested for $5 per bed, per night. We have a variety of types and sizes. If you forget, or don't want their home bed to get dirty, you can use ours! We have beds of different sizes, but may not be able to fit 2 large beds in the kennel.

Q: Can my dogs be fed separately?

A: Yes, if your dogs need to eat separately, we will do that. We have noted, however, that some dogs don't eat well when they are separated. We are not able to feed dogs separately if they are grazers. If the food needs to be left out and you need separate feeding, you will have to book 2 kennels.

Q: What are the nighttime procedures?

A: All of the dogs will be brought into their own kennel area for sleeping. The doggie door will be closed around 8pm until the next morning at 7am. These times are mandated by the township. Every pup will get a nighttime treat. If you would like your dog to have something you provide, let us know. 

Q. Do you charge for medication?

A. No, we do not charge to give pill medication. We can give drops or injections. If the medical needs are extensive or take special preparation, there may be a charge. We have pill pockets available! 

Q. Why do you need the original prescription bottle?

Please provide us with the original prescription bottle. There may be more than one person giving medication throughout the week. We also need to have the bottle in case we need to call the vet. We do not recommend putting medication in prepackaged food. We are not able to tell if the dog gets their pills. If the medication is urgent, we recommend that you send some extra in case you are delayed getting home.

Q. What vaccines do you require?

A.  We need the Rabies Certificate. You may have to ask the vet specifically for the "certificate". While the date for the Rabies shot is on the records, it is required by law that we have the signed form. We need proof of Bordetella (Kennel cough), DHPP and Canine Influenza. These vaccines are put in place to protect all of the dogs. Please get the Kennel Cough vaccine any time within the year (at least 2 weeks before your stay). Canine Influenza can be scarce. If your vet does not have it, please get on their waiting list for next time. Vaccines MUST be up to date or you may not be able to board. If you don't have the forms, call your vet and they can email it to us at

Q. Why don't you ever answer the phone?

A. It is very loud and busy in the lobby area and we are typically busy grooming, tending to customers or taking care of our furry friends. The best way to reach us is by email. will get a faster reply! Please know we are very busy and we will respond as soon as we have time. 

PSA from Erin!**Email is preferred over phone calls, texts and facebook messenger because it keeps all my messages in one location, I can refer back to our conversation and I can answer you anytime I have a moment. I can also print documents from the email. If you text me and I read it when I am not in front of my calendar, the message can get overlooked because I don't have a way to mark it as "important" or "unread". If you call and leave a message, I will text you back when I get a chance. Thank you!**

Q: Can my dog play with other dogs?

A: For safety reasons, we do not intermingle the dogs. 

Q: Do you offer daycare? 

A: We do not offer doggie daycare, but we can do day boarding. Your pup would have their own run for the day and the freedom to go in and out. You are welcome to get "extras" to give them some extra activities. The price is the same as regular boarding. $33 a day, $45 for 2 dogs, etc.